Friday, February 4, 2011

public assembly

1. Why should people have right to public assembly (to gather in one place for a reason)?Every person in the world should have the right to public assembly because they should have a say in what ever goes on in their country.

2. How exactly do you think technology helped protestors in the Middle East to assemble (Hint: think about texting, Facebook and Twitter)?Technology helped protestors in the middle east by gathering more people to protest.The more people who protest the more power the people have to gives them a higher chance to win.

3. February is Black History Month. How did public assembly help the civil rights movement?Public assembly helped the civil rights movement by telling the higher athorities "we are not scared any more" witch led the goverment to stop racisism

4. What would the civil rights movement have looked like if they had the Internet and cell phones?If the civil rights movement had internet and cell phones The african american people would had a little more freedom because if there was a problem the african american people would called more african american to helped them out

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