Thursday, December 22, 2011

Turning test (cleverbot)

a) Did either of the machines come close to passing the Turing Test (did they seem human?) UM i think so me and clever bot had a good conversation until it started changing the subject. For example i asked it "Where u from" it answered "good u".But at some point we had a conversation that only a human to human would. So i think it passed the turing test (buh it needs some changing to make it seem more human.)

b) What were some of the questions you asked Splotchy and Cleverbot? What kind of questions were Splotchy and Cleverbot better at answering?The kind of question that cleverbot was better at answering were the simple ones. Like How are u, How old are u and where u from.

c) How do you think these computers program work? Why do you think it’s so hard to design a machine that passes the Turing Test? Well honestly i don't have an idea on how these machines work. They are so complexed and could hold a good conversation,but when u ask it certain questions it either changes the subject or would answer something not related to my question. I think its hard to design a machine that passes the turning test.Because you have to program the robot to think for its self and able to interact with people.And also because its really hard to try and program a robot to being human because u really gotta know the human functions.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


1. Name 5 human rights and explain what they mean. Watch THIS movie for more information. (for a smaller file size version click HERE). One of the human rights violated in ice was no unfair treatment.The second human right violated was no tortured.The third human right violated was freedom of speech. The forth human right violated was don't discriminate. And the final human right violated was the right to be equal.

2. What human rights are violated in the game ICED? Explain. One of human rights violated was no tortured. If u misbehave u would be sent to the hall and be whipped and raped and stuff like that.And another human right that was violated was we are all equal before the law. U would be sent to jail because u were a illegal immigrant
3. If you could re-design this game, what would you keep? What would you do differently? If i could re-design the game i would keep everything but ill make it more realistic and make it more grapic, and ill also add more characters.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


. Where does the N-Word Come from? Why does it offend some people so much? The N word (nigger) originally comes from africa. African americans were refer as niggers, by the white man, because of the color of their skin.

2. Should non-black people be able to use the N-Word? I believe everyone should be able to us the N-word. Because if black people use it to call each other "NIGGAS". Why shouldn't non black people use it if its already being used.

3. Should musicians stop using the N-Word? I honestly think musicians shouldn't keep saying the N-word. Because there music is corrupting young people into saying the word. And some of those young people say it to the wrong people and get beat up or maybe even killed.

4. Do other ethnic groups (for example, Chinese, Jews, and Dominicans) use ethnic slurs like the N-Word to describe themselves? If not, Why? NOO!! not really. Because every ethnic group has their own label, for example (Jews are labeled as hebrews), and so are the rest. The N-word is what black people are known as. I know its not a good word but no body can change it.Because its cruel history.

5. What would happen if black people (and everyone else) started using “king” or “queen” instead of the N Word? I think thats a sum idea. If people started calling everyone "king or queen" it will save a couple of young people lives because it will be a replacement for the N-word.And its nots offensive.