Thursday, December 22, 2011

Turning test (cleverbot)

a) Did either of the machines come close to passing the Turing Test (did they seem human?) UM i think so me and clever bot had a good conversation until it started changing the subject. For example i asked it "Where u from" it answered "good u".But at some point we had a conversation that only a human to human would. So i think it passed the turing test (buh it needs some changing to make it seem more human.)

b) What were some of the questions you asked Splotchy and Cleverbot? What kind of questions were Splotchy and Cleverbot better at answering?The kind of question that cleverbot was better at answering were the simple ones. Like How are u, How old are u and where u from.

c) How do you think these computers program work? Why do you think it’s so hard to design a machine that passes the Turing Test? Well honestly i don't have an idea on how these machines work. They are so complexed and could hold a good conversation,but when u ask it certain questions it either changes the subject or would answer something not related to my question. I think its hard to design a machine that passes the turning test.Because you have to program the robot to think for its self and able to interact with people.And also because its really hard to try and program a robot to being human because u really gotta know the human functions.

1 comment:

  1. hey kaleel remmember me aisha tell hennese i said hi and tell ms.brown i said hi also ok
